'*************************************************************************** 'Description: 'Set motor of axis A to continuous operation at 50000 inc/s 'Wait until speed is reached 'Set motor of axis C to continuous operation with 25000 ink/s '*************************************************************************** AC 20000,,20000; 'Define acceleration of axis A and C 20000 inkr/s DC 20000,,20000; 'Define deceleration of axis A and C 20000 inkr/s JG 50000,,-25000; 'Define continuous run speed and direction for axis A and C BG A; 'Start axis A AS A; 'Wait until A has reached speed BG C; 'Start axis C EN
'*************************************************************************** 'Description: 'Axis AB and should move 90° angle 'To slow down the speed in the corners we use the command AV '*************************************************************************** 'The trigger point here is a defined distance (vector) to be covered. 'The speed is then reduced to 1000 inc/s. As soon as the motor has reached the corner, 'its speed is 4000 ink/s again. Vector mode is an alternative to LM mode. #lmove DP 0,0; 'Define position of A and B axes to be 0 LM AB; 'Define linear mode between A and B axes. LI 5000,0; 'Specify first linear segment LI 0,5000; 'Specify second linear segment LE; 'End linear segments VS 4000; 'Specify vector speed BG S; 'Begin motion sequence AV 4000; 'Set trippoint to wait until vector dist of 4000 is reached VS 1000; 'Change vector speed to 1000cts/sec AV 2000; 'Set trippoint to wait 2000cts from last AV command VS 4000; 'Change vector speed back to 4000cts/sec EN