Topline picture ACHSTRON

Program flow for motion controllers

Driving back and forth with trip points (trigger points)

'Endless back and forth with trigger points AI, AD, AM
#cycle ;'Label jump mark
PR 10000 ;'Relative distance
SP 20000 ;'Initial speed
AC 100000 ;'Acceleration
DC 100000 ;'Deceleration
AI 1 ;'Wait for input 1
BG A ;'Start axis A
AD 6000 ;'Wait until A has traveled 6000 incr
SP 10000 ;'Change speed
AM A ;'Wait until the movement is finished
WT 100 ;'Wait 100 µs
PR -10000 ;'Move in the other direction 10000 incr
SP 20000 ;'And this at 20000 ink/s
BG A ;'Execute movement
AM A ;'Wait until the movement is completed
JP #cycle ;'Repeat loop, i.e. jump to jump marker #cycle
EN ;'End of program

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