Voice Coil Actuator

Linear Voice Coil Actuator
For powerful and fast strokes over short distances

Voice Coil mit Teilgehäuse als Kompromiss zwischen Geräten mit und ohne Gehäuse.

A voice coil actuator consists of two components: A coil on a carrier and a cylinder with permanent magnets. The force and direction of the coil are directly dependent on the direction and strength of the current.

The low mass of the coil allows you to achieve maximum acceleration . The prerequisite for this is a correspondingly light load. The force required for acceleration can be over 1,100 N. As the voice coil actuator is a direct drive, there are no losses due to the spindle or gearbox.

Voice Coil Aktuator für lineare Bewegung

Voice coil actuators are also available as a kit in round or rectangular form. They offer the possibility of precise installation and are therefore very cost-efficient.

If you are looking for a rotary movement instead of a linear one, rotary voice coil actuators are available. With these, however, you can only realize angular movements.

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Your advantages of a linear voice coil

  • Icon Vorteil No torque ripple, no backlash or hysteresis effect over the entire travel range.
  • Icon Vorteil Minimal moment of inertia enables maximum acceleration.
  • Icon Vorteil The high repeatability and positioning accuracy is only dependent on the sensor or encoder.

Realized locations

  • Pfeil rechtsProcessing machines
  • Pfeil rechtsFocusing
  • Pfeil rechtsHandling
  • Pfeil rechtsVibration damper


  • Icon MerkmalTravel from 0.25 to 56 mm
  • Icon MerkmalNominal force from 0.38 to 289 N
  • Icon MerkmalPeak force from 0.7 to 1.1 kN
  • Icon MerkmalFrequency up to 120 Hz (400 Hz maximum)
  • Icon MerkmalDiameter 12.5 to 260 mm (cylindrical)

Models of the Voice Coil LA series

Article peak force continuous force total stroke Kf outer-Ø length plus ½ stroke
  (10s) N N mm N/A mm mm
LA05-05-000A 0,70 0,39 1,16 0,737 12,7 12,7
LA08-10-000A 6,67 1,96 4,06 0,970 19,0 24,5
LA10-08-000A 6,67 2,71 5,08 1,148 24,1 19,6
LA10-12-027A 13,3 4,94 9,14 1,766 25,4 28,5
LA12-17-000A 44,4 15,5 7,62 4,386 30,4 43,1
LA13-11-000A 15,5 5,07 6,36 2,36 31,6 27,3
LA13-12-000A 15,5 7,12 6,36 2,36 31,6 28,5
LA14-17-000A 22,2 7,12 10,16 2,18 35,5 41,9
LA15-16-002A 62,6 19,6 6,36 4,72 38,1 39,6
LA15-16-020A 33,8 11,6 10,1 2,80 38,1 39,6
LA15-16-024A 88,9 24,4 6,35 5,82 38,1 39,6
LA15-26-000A 44,4 11,5 25,4 2,93 37,5 65,4
LA16-16-000A 89,0 16,7 6,36 5,83 40,0 39,6
LA16-19-001A 22,2 9,30 12,7 2,31 40,0 47,6
LA17-28-000A 71,1 28,4 15,2 6,89 58,4 66,0
LA18-12-000A 44,5 15,1 6,10 4,8 44,4 28,4
LA18-12-001A 27,2 8,13 6,10 3,1 44,4 28,4
LA18-12-006Z 44,4 15,1 6,10 4,84 44,4 28,4
LA23-55-000A 89,0 27,1 57,1 4,34 57,1 139,7
LA24-20-000A 111 26,3 16,5 7,51 60,3 50,8
LA25-42-000A 266 86,3 25,4 13,7 63,5 105,9
LA28-22-000A 266 87,7 11,4 13,7 69,8 55,8
LA28-22-001A 201 45,7 11,4 10,4 69,8 55,9
LA28-43-000A 266 75,6 25 13,0 70,0 109,2
LA30-43-000A 445 185 25,4 21,8 76,2 112,3
LA30-48-000A 445 133 25,4 21,8 76,2 120,0
LA30-75-001A 444 96,2 50,8 16,6 76,2 188,8
LA34-37-000A 444 127 19,0 20,2 85,8 95,2
LA43-67-000A 1378 282 31,7 28,0 107,9 169,9
LA50-65-000A 1861 500 25,4 57,8 127,0 163,3


  • Icon ZahnradTemperature sensor
  • Icon ZahnradDrilling pattern

FAQ about Voic Coil Actuator

What do I need to operate the voice coil? A simple 2-phase servo drive is sufficient. Some 3-phase servo controllers have the option of deactivating a phase. A sensor is also required to close the position control loop.
Does the coil move in the pot? Yes, and this requires a linear guide so that the coil does not bump.
In horizontal operation, gravity also has an effect?
Gravity must always be taken into account. It can be compensated for with a spring, for example.
Are there variants for operation in a vacuum? The copper winding requires insulation. However, it is possible to influence the composition of the outgassing.
What is the service life of the voice coil? If correctly designed and operated within the electrical data, it will last for many years. The weak point is premature wear of the bearing.

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